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Frequently Asked Questions
How does BCF use donations?
Donations are used to complete new research transformation projects and maintenance (steady-state) existing applications. Donations are also used for research and development, fund raising, computer systems, technology infrastructure, AWS, and any applicable application online services, outsourcing technology fees.
Does BCF publishing articles?
Yes, BCF publishes on behalf of BCF, donations are not used for publishing fees.
How much can I donate?
BCF is not restricted to certain amounts of donations; please contact us for specifics.
Are BCF donations tax exempt?
Yes, Betty Clay Foundation Organization is designated by the IRS as a 501c(3). Donations are tax deductible; however, it is advisable to seek the advice of an accountant with specific IRS questions.
Research Transformation Projects
Does BCF perform research?
Yes, BCF conducts their own internal research surrounding mental health. BCF also, partners with other researchers to assist or provide research transformation services.
What is a research transformation project?
Research studies and research articles can be transformed into usable and practical applications written in various programming languages. IF you are a researcher with statistically significant study results and you want to reach a wider audience with those results, then contact us today for a consultation.
Do you only support mental health researchers?
Yes and no, please contact us to discuss your project(s).
How much does it cost BCF to transform your research?
Costs vary based on the type of research involved. If BCF does not have the technical resources available, BCF may have to outsource resources to perform certain projects. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data science projects have vast scopes of work, as such please contact BCF to discuss the details of your project(s). BCF maintains a fund for research projects, maybe your project will qualify.
Can I fund a research project?
I am interested in partnering with BCF, where can I be utilized?
We are a team of researchers and developers creating real life solutions for those on the frontline. There are many ways you can partner with us as a researchers, engineers, data scientists, software developers, professors, professionals, clinicians, mental health professionals, full-stack developers, fundraisers, CEOs, board members and more.
With whom does BCF partner?
BCF collaborates and partners with mental health associations, educational institutions, and other non-profits organizations for joint transformation projects and tool implementations.
I am not a developer or have time to volunteer, how can I contribute to BCF?
Can teaching hospitals partner with BCF?
Absolutely, BCF learning programs are a great way to increase medical student’s knowledge around mental health in an easy and fun way. Younger generations of medical students such as Generation Z and the iGenerations (born between 1995 and 2012) will expect to have more up-to-date technology in their education and treatment practices, whereas traditional means of learning and practicing may be poorly tolerated among these generations (Eckleberry-Hunt et al., 2018; Smith, n.d.)
In what ways can teachers and educators partner with BCF?
BFC exists to also support educators to become more knowledge around mental health. BCF’s learning programs are designed to increase the likelihood of educators having more comfort encounters with students at risk of experiencing mental health issues.
App Information
Are BCF projects only mobile apps?
No, BCF can transform research projects onto many different platforms (Mac, windows, linux, unix, iOS, android and more). Platforms selections depends upon scope of the project and the researcher’s audience.
Are all BCF projects HIPAA compliant?
BCF focus’ primarily on de-identified data when creating learning programs and certain applications; however, on some occasions applications must be HIPAA compliant. In these cases, BCF is careful to develop according to U.S. legal regulations. These applications require more consideration and efforts.
How long do transformation projects take to complete?
Make a Contribute Today
Generous contributions, allow us to achieve research transformation in the field of mental health support with ease and speed.