Learning Programs

Betty Clay Foundation (BCF) Launches Revolutionary AI Application and Learning Programs to Empower Mental Health Professionals Worldwide. BCF creates learning programs with applications or have a custom learn program created. Learning programs are also for medical students, physicians, and educators.


Supporters: Increase Knowledge Around AI Tools

Our technology and resources are meant to supplement social service teaching programs. Physicians and Medical Students have expressed a need for more education about suicidal risk factors.

RESEARCH SHOWS: Currently, researchers are looking for ways to strengthen the likelihood of physicians engaging with their patients who are at risk for suicide, in order to detect and reduce the prevalence of suicide. One way to promote more timely assessment is effective communication between the physician and the adolescent considering suicide, which requires a face-to-face and tailored discussion (Ham et al., 2012).

MEDICAL RESIDENTS REQUEST: Underdeveloped suicide educational guidelines: Fanello et al. (2002); (Chuop et al., 2021) found residency program directors from primary care specialties highlighted insufficient training in suicide prevention, such as identifying risk factors for suicide and applying that knowledge into treatment plans.

FUN WAY TO LEARN: Younger generations of medical students such as Generation Z and the iGenerations (born between 1995 and 2012) will expect to have more up-to-date technology in their education and treatment practices, whereas traditional means of learning and practicing may be poorly tolerated among these generations (Eckleberry-Hunt et al., 2018; Smith, n.d.).


Play & Learn

New apps may be accompanied by a learning program. Gaming attributes can increase learning and material retention.

Learning programs are designed to increase learning, and they are different from app instructions and documentation. Research shows gaming attributes outside the context of a game influences learning (Landers, 2014; Johnson et al., 2016).

Betty Clay Foundation delivers ESDS mobile app as an example of how fun and easy it can be to learn more about early suicide risk factors. This new innovative application for early suicide detection using Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to unlock statistical power for physicians, medical students, healthcare providers, educators, and parents/guardians. ESDS is offers evidence based research including gamification design and decision support system features.
ESDS enables users to become more knowledgeable about behavioral risk factor which contribute to suicidal ideation. This knowledge translates into more comfortable encounters and earlier assessment opportunities. ESDS is a powerful public health tool. Inquiring and assessing adolescents about suicidal thoughts, plans, and actions as early as possible may have life-saving effects (Hergenroeder et al. 1986; Smith, n.d.).
Want to learn more about ESDS?

Betty Clay Foundation Learning programs

“More things are missed by not looking than by not knowing.”

Thomas McCrae Osler

Physician, Jefferson Medical College


Featured Benefits

Health Outcomes

Dedicated to developing and deploying AI technology tools that support healthcare and public health professionals, educators, and social workers in their mission to improve mental health and social outcomes.

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Individualized Encounters

Health Care Providers (HCPs) Individualized Encounters: Having multiple AI-generated risk factors available could allow a physician or a pediatrician to individualize their discussions with their patients.

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A.I. Driven Tools

Custom AI Tools for Mental Health and Social Services. Empowering Those Who Empower Others.

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